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Make a Report

IF A CRIME IS HAPPENING NOW, A LIFE IS THREATENED, OR THE OFFENDER IS STILL IN THE AREA, CALL TRIPLE ZERO - 000. If a crime has happened TO you, file a police report via Policelink or Ph 131 444.

1 Summary

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  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left empty.
  • Please select carefully as each selection below requires different information to be provided.
  • Please provide the main town or suburb from the list (start typing to search). Section 2 in this form will allow you to provide a more detailed location for each firearm you would like to report. If not known, please type ‘not known’.
  • These details are essential – what happened, when did this happen, where did this happen and how do you know?
  • These details are essential. Please explain how you know this information including any knowledge related to how the person with the firearm/s came into possession of it/them.
    • Upload any relevant digital photos or files.
      Maximum individual file size is 5MB.
      You can upload up to 5 files.
      Allowed file types: jpg, png, tiff, pdf, docx
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